Author Archives: Peter

A Highway to Gladness

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our reader vicar Rev’ Cathy Pullinger in the third Sunday in Advent and called ‘A Highway to Gladness. Recorded on the 15/12/19. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 3:40 Isaiah 35 1-10 Joy … Continue reading

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Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our reader Julie Taylor on the 8/12/19 at our service for the second Sunday in Advent called ‘ Repent’. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 2:04 Matthew 3 v 1-12 John the Baptist … Continue reading

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Christingle Service

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our vicar the Rev’ Cathy Pullinger on the 1/12/19 at our Christingle Service. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 1:40 John 1 v 1-13 The Word Became Flesh 1 In the beginning was … Continue reading

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The Destruction Of The Temple

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our vicar the Rev’ Cathy Pullinger on the 17/11/19 entitled “The Destruction Of The Temple”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 2:10 Malachi 4 v 1-6 Judgment and Covenant Renewal 1 “Surely the … Continue reading

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The Armour Of God

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our reader Julie Taylor remembrance Sunday on the 10/11/19 entitled “The Armour Of God”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 1:43 Reading from Ephesians 6 v 10-20 The Armor of God 10 Finally, … Continue reading

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The Tax Collector

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our vicar Rev’ Cathy Pullinger on the 3/11/19 entitled “The Tax Collector”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 1:16 Luke 19 v 1-10 Zacchaeus the Tax Collector 1 Jesus entered Jericho and was … Continue reading

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The Pharisee & the Tax Collector

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our vicar Rev’ Cathy Pullinger on the 27/11/19 entitled “The Parable of Pharisee & The Tax Collector”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 1:11 Luke 18 v 9-14 The Parable of the Pharisee … Continue reading

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The Persistent Widow

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our vicar Rev’ Cathy Pullinger on the 20/11/19 entitled “The Persistent Widow”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 4:10 Readings from Daniel 10 v 10-21 Daniel’s Vision of a Man 10 A hand … Continue reading

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Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our vicar Rev’ Cathy Pullinger on the 13/11/19 entitled “Healing”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 1:07 Jesus Heals Ten Men With Leprosy 11 Now on his way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along … Continue reading

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Harvest Praise

Sermon from St Andrews Church given by our regular visiting preacher Tony Sellers on the 22/9/19 entitled “The Shrewd Manager”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 2:10 Final Charge to Timothy 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain. 7 … Continue reading

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