Category Archives: Nick Mwandia

A Ministry Of Welcome

Todays sermon was given by our priest in charge the Rev Nick Mwandia on the 4th Sunday after Trinity, 2nd July Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 1:10 Matthew 10 v 40-42 40 “Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone … Continue reading

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The Workers Are Few

Todays sermon was given by our priest in charge the Rev Nick Mwandia on the 2nd Sunday after Trinity, 18th June Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 4:02 Matthew 9 v 35 – 10 v 23 The Workers Are Few 35 … Continue reading

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The Way To The Father

Todays sermon was given by our priest in charge Rev Nick Mwandia on the fifth Sunday of Easter, 7th May 2023. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 2:45 John 14 v 1-14 Jesus Comforts His Disciples 1 “Do not let your … Continue reading

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The Significance Of The Risen Christ

Sermon from St Andrews Church, Slip End, UK. This sermon given our priest in charge Rev Nick Mwandia on Easter day on the 9/4/23. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 4:38 Acts 10 v 34-43 34 Then Peter began to speak: … Continue reading

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Palm Sunday

Sermon from St Andrews Church, Slip End, UK. This sermon given our priest in charge Rev Nick Mwandia on Palm Sunday on the 2/4/23. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 3:13 Matthew 26 v 14-27 14 Then one of the Twelve—the … Continue reading

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Access To The Kingdom

Sermon from St Andrews Church, Slip End, UK. This sermon given our priest in charge Rev Nick Mwandia in the second Sunday of Lent on the 5/3/23. The sermon entitled ‘Access To The Kingdom”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 2:41 … Continue reading

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The Transfiguration

Sermon from St Andrews Church, Slip End, UK. This sermon given our priest in charge Rev Nick Mwandia on the Sunday before Lent on the 19/2/23. The sermon entitled ‘The Transfiguration”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 3:10 Exodus 24 v … Continue reading

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Do Not Worry

Sermon from St Andrews Church, Slip End, UK. This sermon given our priest in charge Rev Nick Mwandia on the second Sunday before Lent on the 12/2/23. The sermon entitled ‘Do Not Worry”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at 2:13 Matthew … Continue reading

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Jesus The Lamb Of God

Sermon from St Andrews Church, Slip End, UK. This sermon given our priest in charge Rev Nick Mwandia on the second Sunday of Epiphany on the 15/1/23. The sermon entitled ‘Jesus the Lamb of God”. Download Mp3 HERE! Sermon starts at … Continue reading

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Joseph and the Angel

Sermon from our joint service at St Paul’s Church, Luton, UK. Given by our priest in charge Nick Mwandia on the 18/12/22 entitled “Joseph and the Angel” Download Mp3 HERE! Running time 41 minutes Matthew 1 v 18-25 Joseph Accepts Jesus … Continue reading

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