1st Woodside Brownies

The 1st Woodside Brownies meet on Wednesday’s at the Village Hall between 6pm and 7.30pm.
We presently (April ’24) have spaces for girls aged 7 – 10 years old
Brownies celebrate their 100th birthday this year, when they started they were called Rosebuds.
Our Brownies have been going for over 100 years, we are the old-est pack in our district.
Gillian has been serving for 53 years, as Brown Owl, and now as Wise Owl.
Debbie has been doing Brownies for over 30 years in Luton where she is now Brown OWL.
Once upon a time there was 2 Brownie Packs, 1st Woodside, which was run by Gillian,
2nd Woodside was run by Barbara Kay.
There is now only one pack, the 1st Woodside.
We have spaces for girls 7—10 years of age, we meet on a Wednesday evening at Slip End Village Hall.
If you are interested please contact:-
Debbie, Brown Owl on 07543 8066 63
Or Gillian, Wise Owl on 01582 732109.
Please give us your support as we do not want to close