Womens Institute
Slip End no longer has its own W.I. but anybody who is interested in getting involved is very welcome to join the Caddington branch. Caddington W.I. meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. They start at 7.30pm in the Collings Wells V.C. Memorial Hall, Chaul End Road, Caddington, Bedfordshire. Members pay 60p while non-members pay £1. This is to cover entrance, refreshments and newsletter costs. The yearly subscription is at present £14.50. This is divided between Caddington W.I., Bedfordshire Federation and National Federation.
We have a yearly program running from July to June, informing the members of the varied speakers, entertainers or demonstrators each month. The meetings consist of some W.I. business, followed by the speaker. Then tea and coffee are served, with time to have a chat with friends. The evening is rounded off with a quiz or a game, finishing around 10pm. We have a sales table at which members can sell goods, of which 10% goes to W.I., or surplus produce may be donated to be sold for W.I. funds. Each month there is a competition to enter. This could be things like a Table Decorations or The Oldest Coin.
Caddington W.I. belongs to a group of three W.I.s, called the Studham Group, the other two being Whipsnade and Studham. The three W.I.s take it in turn to host a Group Meeting twice a year. At these meetings we are able to have a more costly speaker or entertainer, and the host Institute lays on a lavish spread to enjoy with tea or coffee. Then there can be a game or quiz to round the evening off. The group also organize walks in the summer, Ten Pin Bowling in the winter, and trips out throughout the year.
The N.F.W.I. (National Federation of Women’s institutes) have their own college called Denman College, which is located near Marcham in Oxfordshire. There are numerous courses available, covering cookery, relaxation, education etc. Caddington W.I. contribute towards two members per year taking up a course of their choice.
Home and Country is a monthly magazine published by N.F.W.I. full of interesting topics and subjects and information. W.I. Books publish and sell books on various subjects, which are on sale to members at county meetings. W.I. Diaries and Calendars are for sale in the Autumn.
For more details please contact Mrs Kay McElroy on 01582 458 599